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A guide to firearm owners: When poachers use dogs when they trespass for illegal hunting

 South African farmers are increasingly confronted by poachers who use dogs in their illegal hunting activities – a growing criminal activity on farms in all provinces. Confronting the culprits has proven to be a challenging endeavour because they are well informed about their rights and use the law to their full benefit, not hesitating to lay fraudulent counter charges against complaining farmers.

Particularly, using a firearm to destroy an animal used in illegal hunting activities is becoming a pressing issue.

Complete your details to download Firearms Guardian’s official legal opinion destroying animals that cause harm on farms. This in depth legal opinion was written by our expect in criminal law, Dr. Llewelyn Curlewis.


Advocate Henk Nolte, director at Firearms Guardian, weighs in:

 “Cases of illegal hunting and poaching have not only increased, but have become more organised and sophisticated over the last decade, adding to rising tensions between communities, farmers and even conservation authorities. The majority of illegal hunting activities have long since stopped being a means to survive and has turned into a lucrative criminal opportunity. Unfortunately, as these activities increase, the criminality and violence surrounding such incidences are on the increase as well. There have been cases where farmers confronted these illegal hunters and paid with their lives,” said Nolte.

Recently a Ventersburg farmer, armed with his handgun, confronted perpetrators when he caught them trespassing on his property, illegally hunting with their dogs. The farmer laid charges against the perpetrators at the police, but the perpetrators laid a fraudulent counter charge against the farmer of pointing a firearm and attempted murder. The Farmer appeared in Court but the case was later withdrawn, leaving the farmer with a hefty legal bill.

“This farmer could have avoided the legal costs  he suffered had he been a Firearms Guardian policy holder,” concluded Nolte.

●     Read our case study on reverse charges and how it landed two innocent female farmers in prison.

●     Learn more about the benefits of a Firearms Guardian policy, and how it can save you, your family and your assets as a legally armed citizen of South Africa. 

The Firearms Guardian policy is administered by Firearms Guardian (Pty) Ltd (FSP47115), an authorised Financial Services Provider and underwritten by GENRIC Insurance Company Limited (FSP43638), an authorised Financial Services Provider and licensed non-life Insurer.
